Thursday, August 17, 2023

Best Chiropractor in Irvine

Dr Jay Kang is the best chiropractor in Irvine, as he not only leads the team at Zen Care but plays a very active role in adjusting, treating and helping patients eliminate pain and discomfort.

Zen Care Physical Medicine in Irvine is among only a few elite chiropractic offices with doctors certified in Chiropractic BioPhysics -- the most researched, effective and results-oriented technique.  What this means to the patient is a course of treatment that not only produces quick results, but permanent pain relief.

So if you're looking for the best chiropractor in Irvine, look no further than Zen Care.  You can visit our website at to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Sport Injury In Irvine

 Sports are a great way to remain in shape, but they can also lead to injury. If you're a professional athlete, the sooner you get treatment, the sooner you can get back to playing your favorite sport. At Zen Care Physical Medicine in Irvine, California, you can rely on our chiropractor to correctly evaluate your sports injury and treat it. We want to provide you the strength you need to get back to your regular routines.

What Are the Most Common Sports Injuries?

Sprains and strains are injuries to the tendons or muscles, whereas sprains affect all of the ligaments in a joint. The majority of sprains and strains result from quick direction changes in athletes, like when a soccer player twists his ankle.

Golfer's elbow also known as tennis elbow affects the muscles that govern the wrist and fingers. The muscles in the forearm used to swing a golf club is impacted by a golfer's elbow.

Shin splints: These are brought on by lower leg overuse injuries. They can be excruciatingly painful and make walking and running difficult for athletes.

Injuries to the rotator cuff: The rotator cuff is a collection of muscles and tendons that surrounds the shoulder joint. Baseball players and other athletes who throw frequently experience rotator cuff injuries.

Athletes who play sports where there is a chance of collisions and falls are more vulnerable to fractures.

One of the most frequent sports injuries today is a concussion. Dizziness, nausea, confusion, memory loss, and unconsciousness are among the symptoms.

Back injuries: Herniated disks and other back problems are frequent among athletes who play bending-intensive sports.

How Do I Know If I Have a Sports Injury?

If you suffer any of the following signs, you may have a sports injury:

  • Difficulty walking, running, or engaging in other forms of exercise
  • Persistent discomfort in the afflicted area
  • Bruising or swelling near a joint
  • Leg or arm shakiness
  • A joint or bone that is misaligned
  • Joint inertia
  • The affected area is tender

Chiropractic Treatment for Sports Injuries

When you see our chiropractor, he will ask you about your medical history and perform a comprehensive physical examination. This will make it easier for him to assess your injury's severity and decide how to treat it. In order to treat your injury, relieve your discomfort, and increase your range of motion, he may advise spinal manipulation, joint mobilization, massage therapy, heat/cold therapy, and other treatments, depending on the diagnosis.

Visit Zen Care Physical Medicine in Irvine, CA, for Sports Injury Treatment

Chiropractic care is offered at Zen Care Physical Medicine in Irvine, California, along with sports injury diagnostics. Whether you have a sprain, strain, concussion, back injury, tennis elbow, etc., our chiropractor will immediately assess your issue and offer the proper therapy. Call (949) 727-1772 right away to make an appointment with us.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Auto Accident Injury In Irvine

Auto accidents happen frequently. These mishaps result in injuries, some of which are minor and manageable. Some wounds are also severe, and they could even have long-term effects.

Do you currently have any injuries from a recent vehicle accident? Our goal at Zen Care Physical Medicine in Irvine, California, is to ensure that you experience pain relief and regain your usual functionality. We thoroughly check you to determine the cause of the injury and whether you have any further wounds that aren't manifesting any symptoms. Depending on your condition, we then pick which therapeutic method to adopt. Being in a car accident is not easy, and we will ensure you receive the care you require.

See More About Us: Chiropractor in Irvine California

Common Auto Accident Injuries

Some of the most typical vehicle accident injuries are listed below:

  • Knee problems
  • Back problems
  • Bone fractures
  • Traumatic encephalopathy
  • Whiplash
  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Burns
  • Neck wounds

When Should One Seek Treatment after an Auto Accident?

Do not even consider delaying medical attention if you have significant injuries from a vehicle accident. First aid might be administered, but it's always best to visit a doctor for more effective treatment.

It's crucial to get medical help even if you don't experience any pain or show any signs of a car accident injury. Some injuries may not manifest right away but many days or even months later. If you wait, the wounds could worsen and seriously harm your body. You can begin therapy more quickly and recover from an accident by visiting a chiropractor right away.

Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Injuries

Some individuals believe that only after taking medications or undertaking procedures like surgery can a person find comfort from an auto accident injury. This is not true. Injuries including whiplash, back pain, knee pain, and headaches can be successfully treated with chiropractic care as an alternative to medicines and surgery.

Chiropractic care is non-invasive, and recovery is possible without the use of drugs. Additionally, it attempts to heal a wound rather than only treat its symptoms.

Get Auto Accident Injury Treatment in Irvine, CA

Even if you don't have any after-accident severe symptoms, don't wait around at home hoping to feel better. Some injuries, like whiplash, might not exhibit symptoms right away but will in a few days. Make a chiropractic appointment at Zen Care Physical Medicine in Irvine, California. Our chiropractors have extensive training and certification. They will offer a long-lasting answer to your difficulties and deal with them as quickly as they can. In order for you to resume living your regular life, we will take care of you and make sure you feel better. Dial (949) 727-1772 to reach us.

Sciatica Pain Relief In Irvine

Sciatica is a prevalent condition that can affect up to 40% of people at some point in their lives and can be treated with specialized chiropractic care. Zen Care Physical Medicine, a chiropractor in Irvine, California, has assisted people of all ages to get relief from sciatica and prevent back surgery.

Causes of sciatica pain

Sciatica is a condition when the sciatic nerve, which runs from the low back through the buttock to the leg, becomes compressed or irritated. Injury, a constricted gluteal muscle, or a protruding disc pressing on the nerve can all cause it. Sciatica, bone cysts, and tumors are rarer causes of joint narrowing brought on by degenerative disc degeneration or spinal stenosis.

Due to the cumulative effects of aging, repetitive motion, frequent heavy lifting and bending, or even a sedentary lifestyle that can place a lot of pressure on the spine, sciatica can steadily develop over time. Alternately, acute trauma from a vehicle accident or a fall can cause sciatic nerve compression to appear unexpectedly.

The most prevalent cause of sciatica during pregnancy is a misaligned pelvis.

Sciatica Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of compression or inflammation of the sciatic nerve include:

  • An ache that radiates down the lower leg, foot, groin, or buttocks (the pain is often described as burning, radiating, searing, or throbbing)
  • Numbness and tingling in the foot or leg
  • Instability in the foot (drop foot)
  • Back pain
  • A person may observe that their symptoms improve or deteriorate with particular motions or activities, depending on what is triggering their sciatica. There may be mild to severe symptoms.

How does Zen Care Physical Medicine help people with sciatica?

Services provided by chiropractors for sciatica include:

  • Spinal manipulations
  • Acupuncture
  • Electrical stimulation and therapeutic ultrasound
  • Lifestyle guidance for proper alignment, ergonomics, stress reduction, and nutrition
  • Massage treatment
  • Remedial exercises

We can assist you if you live close to Irvine and think you are experiencing sciatic nerve discomfort. To relieve the strain on the nerve and promote the nerve's ability to heal, Dr. Jay Kang will develop a customized chiropractic treatment plan.

Are Your Issues Caused by Sciatica?

We can assist you if you live close to Irvine and think you are experiencing sciatic nerve discomfort. To relieve the strain on the nerve and promote the nerve's ability to heal, Dr. Jay Kang will develop a customized chiropractic treatment plan. Chiropractic care for sciatica can help you avoid surgery, get long-lasting pain relief, and begin sleeping, moving, and feeling better. For an appointment right away, call Zen Care Physical Medicine at (949) 727-1772.

Knee Pain Treatment in Irvine

One of the most frequent causes for patients to visit the doctor is pain. The knee is one of the most typical places where people could feel pain. There are a few typical reasons why knee discomfort occurs. Some persons may experience arthritic-related persistent knee pain. Others may suffer a knee injury while participating in sports like basketball or soccer. However, more people could sustain a major knee injury in a car accident. It's crucial to comprehend the typical symptoms and available treatments for knee injuries.

See More About Us: Chiropractor in Irvine CA

The Common Symptoms of Knee Pain

Knee discomfort may be a sign of several different injuries. The symptoms can differ from person to person depending on the precise nature of the damage. Among the most typical signs are:

  • Difficulty with the knee's stability or a sense that the knee is giving out
  • Pain and discomfort that worsens with use or motion
  • Possible swelling after a popping feeling
  • Warmth and redness at the injured location
  • Significant knee and surrounding area bruising

These are just a few of the typical signs and symptoms people may encounter after a knee injury. The precise presentation will change depending on the injury.

An Overview of Different Ligament Tears

Fear of one or more ligaments is among the most prevalent acute knee injuries. Different symptoms will accompany each ligament injury. The following are some of the most typical ligament tears:

The most typical ACL injury is probably a tear. This rip typically happens after the knee is struck while changing directions. The knee will become unstable when an ACL ruptures in the forward direction.

In many ways, an ACL tear is the opposite of a PCL injury. When a person hits their knee on the dashboard, the PCL is frequently torn. Backward-moving knee instability results from this.

Meniscus tears are another frequent occurrence. This is the spacer between the knee bones. Jumping or using the stairs hurts because of this.

Knee Pain Treatment Programs

A comprehensive strategy was necessary for the treatment of a knee injury. A qualified chiropractor will go through crucial dietary issues pertaining to knee injury healing. Additionally, Dr. Jay Kang will go over crucial remedial exercises and physical therapy regimens that help strengthen the knee and guard against future injuries. A compassionate knee pain specialist may also twist or manipulate the knee joint to make sure everything is lined up correctly when treating knee pain.

Rely on the Chiropractic Team at Zen Care Physical Medicine in Irvine

These are only a few of the many crucial aspects of knee discomfort that individuals should be aware of. Those in need of a qualified knee pain specialist in Irvine can put their trust in the Zen Care Physical Medicine Team. We have prioritized the demands of our devoted patients before our personal needs ever since we initially opened our doors.

Each and every treatment plan will be carefully crafted by Dr. Jay Kang to meet the specific needs of each patient. We'll put a lot of effort into developing a comprehensive treatment strategy that will be effective for you. Whether your knee discomfort is the result of a sports injury, a vehicle accident, or a chronic illness, we are here to help.

Please get in touch with us by contacting 949-727-1772 to set up an appointment if you'd like to find out more about how we can assist you. We have assisted numerous families in the Irvine region, and it would be our delight to assist you and your loved ones as well.

Headache Treatment in Irvine

There are other places besides Irvine where headaches are typical. One of the most prevalent ailments across the country is headaches. They can be painful, and throbbing, produce nausea and vomiting and can be incapacitating. Headaches may happen regularly, infrequently, or maybe started by specific causes like allergies. Medication may provide short-term relief, but if structural issues in the neck are putting pressure on the nerves, headaches may return until these issues are resolved. We discover that there are numerous incidents in Irvine that might represent national patterns.

As a chiropractor, I think it's vital to remember that nerves regulate every bodily function, from muscle to organic processes like metabolism and digestion. The body enters a condition of tension if these nerves are "pinched," which reduces communication between structures and can cause a variety of issues, including headaches. For this reason, chiropractic care has proved a successful headache and migraine treatment.

Chiropractic Care and Headaches

Chiropractic adjustments can relieve pressure from the afflicted joints and help the spine function better, allowing the body to operate normally. Stretching the stiff muscles around the neck can be accomplished by performing simple range-of-motion exercises, according to personal tolerance, like turning your head to look over each shoulder and bringing your ear to your shoulder. Your neck and shoulder muscles will remain flexible as a result. As an Irvine chiropractor, I see patients who complain frequently about headache discomfort for a variety of causes.

Some Causes of Headaches:

  • Stress
  • Emotional Ups and Downs
  • Posture
  • Specific Foods
  • Pressure
  • Inflammation

How Do Chiropractors Treat Headaches and Migraines?

Adjustments to the cervical spine are a technique used by chiropractors to treat headaches and migraines. Your neck muscles will be freed from unnatural tensions and strains when your head and cervical spine are symmetrical, thanks to our Irvine chiropractor. Cluster headaches can be treated with adjustments that release pressure from the cervical nerve tissue. Chiropractic therapy can potentially reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines by restoring normal nerve function.

By recommending ergonomic and lifestyle changes, physiotherapy techniques like ultrasonography to aid in the healing of strained neck tissues, and approaches like Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) to promote neck posture and support, we may increase the effectiveness of our adjustments.

Why Should I Choose Your Irvine Chiropractor for My Headache Treatment?

Our Irvine chiropractor's migraine and headache treatments go beyond simply treating your symptoms. We provide you with more substantial and lasting relief than you can obtain from medicine because we genuinely address the underlying reasons for your headaches or migraines.

Are you nearby Irvine and do you frequently have headaches or migraines? For an assessment and additional information regarding headaches/migraines and how chiropractic care can help, get in touch with Zen Care Physical Medicine Irvine. Call us at 949-727-1772 right away.

Neck Pain Relief In Irvine

Neck pain is one of the main concerns we get at our Irvine chiropractic office. It doesn't matter what causes it—prolonged computer use, staring at your phone all the time (now known as "text neck"), sleeping position, or even any sort of trauma—it does damage your quality of life and is quite inconvenient to deal with in daily tasks. Depending on the cause, it can occasionally be crippling and induce headaches and migraines in addition to many other symptoms.

The list of all the reasons for neck discomfort that Zen Care Physical Medicine frequently encounters is provided below.

The Common Causes of Neck Pain 

The following are some of the typical reasons for neck pain:

Herniated Disc: The vertebrae, which are little bones that divide the spine, are to blame. Small cushions in turn divide each of these vertebrae. The disc name refers to these cushions. The liquid that fills these discs gives the back more support. These discs may occasionally herniate. The vertebrae begin to stack up on top of one another in the neck if this occurs. As a result, the neck may experience inflammation and nerve pain. Even worse, some persons have neck-wide shooting pains that originate in the spine.

The term "whiplash" is a slang term for a condition known as a cervical spine strain. One of the most typical reasons for neck pain is this. Additionally, whiplash can cause excruciating neck pain, especially when trying to rotate the neck from side to side. The ligament is sprained, which limits its range of motion and makes moving the neck difficult. Fortunately, there are chiropractic neck pain treatment methods that can help with neck pain.

Pinched Nerve: When a nerve traveling from the spine to the neck is crushed, it results in a pinched nerve. This can result in significant neck discomfort that feels like shooting pains that pass down the shoulder and down the neck. It also goes by the name "stinger."

One of the most frequent reasons for neck pain is neck strain. One of the neck muscles is overstretched, causing this to happen. There may be severe pain and swelling as a result. Additionally, it may limit the neck's range of motion.

Sports Injuries: There are various types of neck-related sports injuries. When the neck is overworked, it can result in what is known as an overuse injury. The second is known as an acute injury. This happens after a severe neck hit, which is frequent in contact sports like football and lacrosse.

Sleeping Position: It may surprise some individuals to learn that the way we sleep can also cause neck pain. The pillow is one of the most frequent causes of neck pain associated with sleeping positions. The neck may experience stress throughout the night if the cushion is positioned at the wrong height. Neck pain may result from this.

Poor Posture: Neck pain can result from poor posture just as it does from incorrect sleeping positions. People need to keep their posture in mind at all times, especially at work. This could put a lot of strain on the neck, causing stiffness and pain.

These are just a handful of the frequent causes of neck pain that people experience. The good news is that all of these causes of neck pain, including severe neck pain, can be treated by a skilled chiropractor.

How A Chiropractor Assesses Neck Pain

A number of joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons make up the neck, or cervical spine, which when irritated can result in neck pain. All of these aspects of your cervical spine must be evaluated by our Irvine chiropractor. Your chiropractor will do an accurate physical examination and collect a full medical history to determine whether the pain is coming from a joint, muscle, ligament, disc, or another type of physical structure.

There are a few different imaging possibilities if your chiropractor thinks there is cause to suspect a disease is present. A bone injury of any kind, an alignment issue that puts stress on nearby structures, or arthritis can all be shown on an X-ray. MRI: to see the blood vessels, discs, tendons, muscles, nerves, and soft tissue. EMG/NCV - EMG and NCV tests the electrical impulses of the spinal nerve roots or peripheral nerves and the muscular reaction. 

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Advice From Your Irvine Chiropractor: Preventing Neck Pain

As your Irvine chiropractor, I strongly suggest maintaining good biomechanics (often referred to as posture and mobility), as it can greatly aid in preventing neck pain. Neck pain can also be avoided by maintaining good posture when sitting, which involves keeping your back straight, shoulders drew in, and neck in a comfortable, neutral position. Proper ergonomics will assist minimize further strain or stress on the surrounding structures by keeping your PC propped up and avoiding prolonged staring down at your phone or computer. Neck pain can also be avoided by maintaining healthy body weight and engaging in daily activity to strengthen your upper back and surrounding muscles. A minimum of once-a-month chiropractic adjustments can assist maintain proper alignment in the neck and cervical spine, allowing the nervous system to function at its best and reducing the possibility of irritation to the muscles, discs, and other nearby structures.

Call Dr. Jay Kang in Irvine if you've never had chiropractic care or heard of it to learn more. Even if they are not familiar with chiropractic care or have never visited a chiropractor before, we always welcome new patients. We have a convenient Irvine location, and we provide a variety of therapies using various chiropractic procedures. Call us at (949) 727-1772 right now.

Best Chiropractor in Irvine

Dr Jay Kang is the best chiropractor in Irvine, as he not only leads the team at Zen Care but plays a very active role in adjusting, treatin...