Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Neck Pain Relief In Irvine

Neck pain is one of the main concerns we get at our Irvine chiropractic office. It doesn't matter what causes it—prolonged computer use, staring at your phone all the time (now known as "text neck"), sleeping position, or even any sort of trauma—it does damage your quality of life and is quite inconvenient to deal with in daily tasks. Depending on the cause, it can occasionally be crippling and induce headaches and migraines in addition to many other symptoms.

The list of all the reasons for neck discomfort that Zen Care Physical Medicine frequently encounters is provided below.

The Common Causes of Neck Pain 

The following are some of the typical reasons for neck pain:

Herniated Disc: The vertebrae, which are little bones that divide the spine, are to blame. Small cushions in turn divide each of these vertebrae. The disc name refers to these cushions. The liquid that fills these discs gives the back more support. These discs may occasionally herniate. The vertebrae begin to stack up on top of one another in the neck if this occurs. As a result, the neck may experience inflammation and nerve pain. Even worse, some persons have neck-wide shooting pains that originate in the spine.

The term "whiplash" is a slang term for a condition known as a cervical spine strain. One of the most typical reasons for neck pain is this. Additionally, whiplash can cause excruciating neck pain, especially when trying to rotate the neck from side to side. The ligament is sprained, which limits its range of motion and makes moving the neck difficult. Fortunately, there are chiropractic neck pain treatment methods that can help with neck pain.

Pinched Nerve: When a nerve traveling from the spine to the neck is crushed, it results in a pinched nerve. This can result in significant neck discomfort that feels like shooting pains that pass down the shoulder and down the neck. It also goes by the name "stinger."

One of the most frequent reasons for neck pain is neck strain. One of the neck muscles is overstretched, causing this to happen. There may be severe pain and swelling as a result. Additionally, it may limit the neck's range of motion.

Sports Injuries: There are various types of neck-related sports injuries. When the neck is overworked, it can result in what is known as an overuse injury. The second is known as an acute injury. This happens after a severe neck hit, which is frequent in contact sports like football and lacrosse.

Sleeping Position: It may surprise some individuals to learn that the way we sleep can also cause neck pain. The pillow is one of the most frequent causes of neck pain associated with sleeping positions. The neck may experience stress throughout the night if the cushion is positioned at the wrong height. Neck pain may result from this.

Poor Posture: Neck pain can result from poor posture just as it does from incorrect sleeping positions. People need to keep their posture in mind at all times, especially at work. This could put a lot of strain on the neck, causing stiffness and pain.

These are just a handful of the frequent causes of neck pain that people experience. The good news is that all of these causes of neck pain, including severe neck pain, can be treated by a skilled chiropractor.

How A Chiropractor Assesses Neck Pain

A number of joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons make up the neck, or cervical spine, which when irritated can result in neck pain. All of these aspects of your cervical spine must be evaluated by our Irvine chiropractor. Your chiropractor will do an accurate physical examination and collect a full medical history to determine whether the pain is coming from a joint, muscle, ligament, disc, or another type of physical structure.

There are a few different imaging possibilities if your chiropractor thinks there is cause to suspect a disease is present. A bone injury of any kind, an alignment issue that puts stress on nearby structures, or arthritis can all be shown on an X-ray. MRI: to see the blood vessels, discs, tendons, muscles, nerves, and soft tissue. EMG/NCV - EMG and NCV tests the electrical impulses of the spinal nerve roots or peripheral nerves and the muscular reaction. 

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Advice From Your Irvine Chiropractor: Preventing Neck Pain

As your Irvine chiropractor, I strongly suggest maintaining good biomechanics (often referred to as posture and mobility), as it can greatly aid in preventing neck pain. Neck pain can also be avoided by maintaining good posture when sitting, which involves keeping your back straight, shoulders drew in, and neck in a comfortable, neutral position. Proper ergonomics will assist minimize further strain or stress on the surrounding structures by keeping your PC propped up and avoiding prolonged staring down at your phone or computer. Neck pain can also be avoided by maintaining healthy body weight and engaging in daily activity to strengthen your upper back and surrounding muscles. A minimum of once-a-month chiropractic adjustments can assist maintain proper alignment in the neck and cervical spine, allowing the nervous system to function at its best and reducing the possibility of irritation to the muscles, discs, and other nearby structures.

Call Dr. Jay Kang in Irvine if you've never had chiropractic care or heard of it to learn more. Even if they are not familiar with chiropractic care or have never visited a chiropractor before, we always welcome new patients. We have a convenient Irvine location, and we provide a variety of therapies using various chiropractic procedures. Call us at (949) 727-1772 right now.

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